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Watch all the videoblogs from the NITO Project all at once!

The largest Engineering Association in Norway, NITO, supported my solar panel- and library project in Mentawai. Here you can follow my journey step by step. Enjoy!

Huge thanks to everyone who helped out in Indonesia. Bang Id and Ani, Aman Paksa, Adek Tralala, Pak Jon, Joy and countless other people.

Yes, and by the way, if you check the individual blogposts, you can read a Norwegian essay to each episode!


Episode 2: Bang Id and the Bellybutton

Episode 3: The Mayor

Episode 4: Surfer’s paradise

Episode 5: The broken fleet and Allah

Episode 6: Problem solved

Episode 7: Primal instincts

Episode 8: Anantatoer and Oliver Stone

Episode 9: The king of fruits

Episode 10: Good to know why

Episode 11: Dancing snakes

Episode 12: Meeting an old friend

Episode 13: A-man, a self-sarcastic tale

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