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There are 2 screening windows on this page. Be sure to use the right password, please.

If you have problems to chromecast on your TV you can open the cinema-version directly in Vimeo here.

Please keep the links and passwords private out of respect for the filmmakers and the people of Mentawai. Making this documentary has taken blood, sweat and tears. The income and donations will benefit a good cause. 

If you have problems to chromecast on your TV you can open the TV-version directly in Vimeo here.

Thank you for watching our film!
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. We hope that you enjoyed our film, and if you did, please leave us a comment here.

If you have any problems or questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Support us

Help us to provide schooling for Aman Paksa’s son and build more traditional houses on Mentawai. Read more about our project here. We will keep you updated (if you want), and guarantee that 100% of all donations will be safely collected and used solely on the project. Remember, any amount is helpful. Thank you.


Short rough cuts of various situations that will give different insights.

This next video demands a bit of explanation. It is kind of a self-sarcasm of the real world on behalf of my self. After I met Survivorman and his crew on the island, making their 10-day show, I decided I wanted to make my own superhero. We had a lot of fun, and the shamans asked if my suit was the national dress of Norway. But, honestly it was pretty hard to make such a film in the jungle trying to keep the dress clean. If it hadn’t been for Aman Paksa’s will, it would never have been finished. One of the point was to show how we could make fictional stories with film. It turned out quite embarrassing.

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Can we help you? If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. If you want to pay using GoPay instead of Paypal or Stripe, let me know. Thank you. Best wishes, Audun Amundsen (Director of Newtopia)